.Securities Market Features today, August 5, 2024: Equity benchmark marks, BSE Sensex and also the NSE Nifty, dropped sharplyon Monday to finish in the hole, in tandem along with losses among international peers. At close, the Sensex went to 78,768.42, down as high as 2,222.5 aspects or even 2.74 per cent. The mark dove almost 3 per-cent to reach the time’s low of 78,296 on Monday.Mirroring the Sensex, the Nifty50 also toppled 662 factors or 2.68 percent to clear up at 24,055.6.
After submitting a gap-down position, the mark tumbled 3.33 per-cent to hit Monday’s reduced of 23,894.The concern mark, India VIX, finished at 20.37 aspects, up 42.23 per-cent, suggesting massive volatility out there. The volatility index zoomed 61 per-cent intraday to 23.15 degrees, indicating its own biggest rise given that 2015.Bears consumed as 45 away from the 50 specified stocks on Nifty50 published a damaging closing. Tata Motors, ONGC, Adani Ports, Tata Steel, and also Hindalco were the leading laggards, clocking approximately 7-per penny loss.From the BSE room, 28 out of the 30 components of the Sensex finished lower, along with Tata Motors as well as Adani Ports being actually the leading laggards.
Merely Hindustan Unilever and Nestle India managed to finish in the green.In the more comprehensive markets, the Nifty SmallCap and also MidCap marks fell 4.5 per-cent and also 3.5 per-cent, respectively.The sectoral marks also faced pandemonium, finishing in reddish along with reductions in Automobile, Metallic, IT, as well as Financial industries of around 4.85 per-cent.